Saturday, May 18, 2013

Rain, Rain Go Away. Please. - May 18, 2013

Today we went on a 6 hour bike tour through the city. It was very enjoyable most of the time, but towards the end it just kept getting colder and wetter and I was ready to go somewhere warm and dry.

We started off at Alexanderplatz underneath the TV Tower at the Fat Tire Bike Shop. We picked out our bikes, and you had to choose carefully because each bike had a different name. I chose St. Peter's Basilica. 

Riding our bikes through crowds and near crowded streets was a bit terrifying, especially considering I can't remember the last time I was on a bike prior to today. It was nice though to ride through the city and be able to cover a lot of ground easily.

I liked being able to see how different the neighborhoods of Berlin can be. My favorite part was when we made a stop to look at a bunch of street art housed in and on a bunch of old buildings. We found this art gallery called Urban Spree, and everything around it was so cool to explore. 

There was a skatepark and a bunch of little kids on skateboards running around with there parents. There was also an outdoor rock climbing gym which was interesting to explore. I could have walked around that place taking pictures for hours. 

We all had lunch in this turkish restaurant where I ate Shawarma with holloumi and drank some orange soda. I'm a picky eater, but I still thought this was really good. After lunch though the rain picked up and became more continuous. It also got much colder. All of us were pretty miserable so the tour was cut a bit short.

Now I'm sitting in our room, nice and warm. I'm thinking of heading out shopping and we're all going to dinner tonight. We were also discussing going out. We want to go to the #1 Techno club in the world, which is another thing we saw on our bike tour today, but we've been told it's really hard to get into. Either way though I know we'll be up to something.

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